Equitable Clean Energy Advancement Initiative (ECEAI)
The ECEAI program, supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, aims to enhance workforce development and improve access to DOE training and funding for under-represented businesses. Initially launched in North Carolina, the program will expand to additional states, focusing on addressing barriers in the energy sector.
Program Details
Increase awareness of the technical assistance and business development programs provided by the Department of Energy (DOE).
Assess the barriers that under-represented small businesses face in accessing government grants and contracts.
Workshops and mentorship programs.
Certification for Cleantech Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs).
Capacity building and technical assistance services.
Are you or another under-represented business in the energy industry or interested in expanding into the Clean & Renewable Energy industry in North Carolina or Georgia?​
Seeking Subject Matter Experts!​​ Are you a MWDBE service provider or clean/renewable energy expert? We’d love to hear from you.